Thursday 3 January 2008

drumming aimlessly

So as this is the first day I am back to work after a long loooooong time, you would expect I'd be focussing. And not drumming annoyingly at the keyboard, making those irritating little tic tic tic tic tic noises that I myself can't tolerate. The thing is, it is supposed to snow today. And I reckon it is a perfectly legitimate excuse for not wanting to work... I have been waiting for it to snow since morning. And its still nowhere to be seen.

Its three in the afternoon and I am nowhere near my work target for today. hmmm... more drumming... hmmm... some more drumming.... After careful and prudent deliberation, I have decided that it is an effort in vain. I will have to finish the project later tonight. For the moment, its waiting-for-it-to-snow time. And a pleasant preoccupation it is.

ummm... by the way did I mention that yesterday I saw memoirs of a geisha, the movie? In the first instance, I would have to say that I liked the movie, my opinion of course not counting for much since I havent read the book. Secondly, I don't know how many Indians instantly made comparisions with Umrao Jaan like I did. How similar are the now lost traditions of Geishas and Devdaasis? Is it the lost patronage that led to the decline of these 'art forms', or was it increasing westernisation? Lots of questions cropped up but the movie still held its own. I liked the lack of drama amidst a clearly heartwrenching situation. I liked the very realistic depiction of the young girl's attempt to escape. The background score was very interesting too, though the accents of the characters provided a challenge, as I am sure indian-english movies provide to the south-east asian audience. All in all, a good watch.

Nope, no snow yet. It has started drizzling mildly, does that make a difference? Not being a climate expert, I shall not venture a guess. Its quite grey and bleak and depressing outside. How can anyone be expected to work under such pathetic climatic conditions?

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