some thoughts on crocheting, reading, quilting, parenting and living away from home...
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Under the weather

Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Letting go

When N was born, I got so busy with getting things right that I forgot to enjoy his presence. A gently but persistently reminded me that it was more important to have a happy baby and a happy initiation into parenthood. Slowly, I got there. And before I knew it, N had become an extension of my self. It felt really, really good.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Nature vs nurture

Friday, 20 November 2009
Eagerly awaiting
- The general slowing down of things
- The smiles on peoples' faces. It's getting colder and the weather is anything but cheerful with the unending rain but I haven't seen the town centre busier with happy faces pottering about
- Spending more time with my two boys - can never get enough of them
- Baking some more - have done very little of it lately and think it's time to get re-acquainted with the oven
- Putting paintings and photographs up on the walls
- Meeting friends more leisurely, without hurrying
- Completing the cashmere blanket for N
- Planning for the new year - so many new things to do
- Indulging some more in the joy that this year has brought - enjoying time alone with N and getting him settled in the nursery
- Getting back to work. Yes, I am surprised myself but I am looking forward to working again
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Post-India blues
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Is it October already?
Friday, 18 September 2009
My two favorites

Thursday, 17 September 2009
Monday, 7 September 2009
In defense of imperfection

Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Another first

Monday, 17 August 2009
Circle of life
So when one of them writes to you, remembering your birthday, or the silly laughs you had in the girls toilet, or the promises you made never ever to lose touch, it plays like a magical game of the heart before your eyes. One such dear, dear friend of the lovely years of life in school wrote today about wanting to see N, about slowly getting used to the idea of being called aunty, and about the hope that the children could now be friends and continue the circle of life. And I can't stop smiling at this miracle called friendship that transcends time, distance and all kinds of differences.
May special friends bring you moments of pure happiness and the circle of life go on and on.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
And why is it nearly uncool to have children? What's with this unmentioned, unspoken of idea that if you are educated, successful and intelligent, you will, almost by default, choose not to have a baby? Why is a heartwarming welcome extended to a dog when it enters the train but a silent, disapproving turn of the head for a baby? Why do people pretend that they can't see a ready-to-pop pregnant lady standing before them - are we seriously lacking even the basic semblance of compassion towards fellow humans?
How ironic, that the proponents of liberty, of choice, are often the ones who snub others' right to choose their own path. Sometimes, all that is needed is to focus on minding one's own business and quit making value judgements about others, their lives and their decisions.
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Escape to paradise
Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Later, as A and I cleared up, we wondered how many stories are there out there. Every one has a story for a bestselling novel. Life really is something special - even the most boring one has a brilliant story hidden in its bosom, waiting to be unravelled.
Deep down we are all children, waiting to chat with our friends, eager to listen to the tales they have to tell us, and keen to share with them some of our own stories.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
And so we sing

Not anymore. Vocal chords are getting furious practice once again. Rhyme Time takes place Monday mornings at the library but we sing throughout the week. And we add new lyrics to old favorites and create new songs out of familiar tunes. We sing during bath time, we sing during play time, we sing during walk time and at bed time. And we sing and sing and sing, till the voice in my head goes:
If you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream!
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
The golden sun...

Sunday, 31 May 2009

The film is called 'The trouble with working women'. It explores the various views about women, work, and what is considered women's work. In doing so, as is perhaps expected, it raised more questions than there are straight-forward answers for. Men calling women the 'inferior' specimen of the species, women refusing to hire other women of child-bearing age, and men making pregnancy and maternity-friendly policies at work, house-husbands who have consciously chosen to stay at home and look after children while the wife goes out to earn for the family, women who started support groups for battered women and now believe that there is actually some such thing as 'too much equality' which goes against the interests of women, women working 19 hour days to have it all - the family and the career. Nothing new about it, just the approach of two rational presenters investigating why things are so complicated for women.
One voice stood out for me, and that's the voice I have been thinking about since. It was the voice of one woman who fought for women's right to equality in the '70s. Having believed in radical politics for the bulk of her life, she said she thinks differently now. Why? She said she would have thought and behaved differently back then too, if she had children then.
The gravity of that statement is immense and hit me only once I got thinking. It is a fact, one thinks differently once a child is born. New life is so completely dependant, it needs someone to give up everything to care for it, with one hundred percent focus. Whether one likes it or not, that is the fact. Nature has chosen the woman to execute that role, and as far as biology is concerned, I don't see any job-sharing happening. This is the crux of the problem, and it is around this fundamental that any debate over genuine equality needs to work. Whether it is brought about biologically or socially, equality has to address the gap that child-bearing and child-rearing create in a woman's life.
As the programme headed for a heartbreakingly depressing end, the only saving grace was the supreme optimism of the presenters - and their conclusion that though women earn less than men at the workplace, their lives are 'richer'. As I was about to boo the ending down, I held myself back. I know what they mean - a man can never understand what it means to have a line joining you with your baby, the attachment that you have for your child, and no, it is not humbug - by negating emotions so intensely felt by so many women we only trivialise our experiences. Yet we have a long way to go if women's lives are to be truly rich, if not richer - and equal pay for equal work is a good place to start.
Oh for some refuge in the non-controversial, less draining and rather uplifting world of natural phenomenon! If you, like me, are feeling entirely spent by the unfairness of the gender divide, I invite you to the wonderful world of weather, or rather, the wonderful weathers of the world. A series of documentaries study the science behind weather and it's historical understanding and how it influences our social behaviour. Off to have the mystery of the hexagonal snowflake revealed!
Sunday, 17 May 2009
It's raining, it's pouring

Monday, 11 May 2009
Lady Rose and Mrs Memmary
Lady Rose and Mrs Memmary by Ruby Ferguson sits nicely alongside the other Persephone titles. It is a gentle reminder of an age gone by, of the cruelty of social change and of the grace with which a life may be lived. Ultimately it is a novel about choices, about choosing, or not, to exercise them, and about living with the consequences of one's decisions. That Ruby Ferguson urges the reader to go no further from the point of no return is truly endearing. Of course, what happens after that plea is heartbreaking, but the author's way of leading up to the end is quite exceptional. While I suspected that there could be no other end, I still cried when I got to it.
Would I recommend it? Certainly. I daresay it is not going to be every one's cup of tea with it's old world ways, but I quite enjoyed reading it.
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Views and opinions

Having gone through a significant change in life recently, I am of the opinion that views correspond to one's particular station in life - you cannot appreciate the green-ness (or lack of it) of the grass till you really get to the other side. Therefore, one is entitled, as life progresses and newer experiences are encountered, to revise opinions, change views, and generally become more tolerant of both white and black. There is always something very strong going for grey.
In keeping with this particular line of thought, may I announce that I now truly sympathise with/understand the following:
- New parents struggling to cope with babies, who incidentally are much more demanding of one's time and attention than I ever previously appreciated
- New parents who appear completely absorbed in their own worlds and have no time for anything other than feeding/nappy changing/checking out the colour, consistency of baby's poo, etc - I now realise that there is no time for anything else
- Women who are torn between family and career - it's one hell of a dilemma
- Women who realise that there is no right or wrong choice for number 3
- That you can be a feminist and like knitting and/or baking, crocheting, sewing and other crafts
- That marriage does not necessarily have to end in a power struggle
- That loving someone is not equal to losing the battle of the sexes
- That it is ok to be in doubt, and not necessarily have an opinion on everything
- That as long as your actions don't hurt anyone, it is ok to pursue whatever it is that makes you happy
- That it is ok to feel like you might just die of happiness when your little one smiles at you
It seems like a long eye-opening journey. This bank holiday weekend, with it's unexpected, unplanned happenings, has ultimately been a very kind one. I can't say I've sorted it all out in my head, but it is definitely a start.
Sunday, 26 April 2009

Agghoo is our new discovery. We are saying Agghoo for everything nice - the orange flowers on the pillows, the bookshelves with their zillion colours, the bed post, the changing mat, the TV and the black and white drawings on the sofa. And sometimes when we are immensely happy, we even say it, with a shy smile, to mum and dad.
And that's when the fun starts, when mum and dad go Agghoo Agghoo throughout the weekend!
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
My cup runneth over

Friday, 17 April 2009
The F word
The NHS has its own agenda and preaches the practise of breastfeeding like gospel. I have nothing against breastfeeding, I am appalled at the blatant discrimination against mothers who chose not to, for whatever reason, and against babies who are formula fed.
I say that this discrimination exists because I have been on both ends of the divide. I started out as a new mother, desperate to get breastfeeding going, but failing miserably. I got some help from the health service but soon they decided that it was a lost cause. The body language, the tone of voice, the choice of words left me and my family feeling that we had no hope in hell. Suddenly we became just another number in their registers waiting to be ticked off.
That's when, desperate and in tears, I called the National Childbirth Trust's breastfeeding helpline. And yes, I pressed the panic button. What that chat with the breastfeeding counsellor did for me that night I can never forget. She gave me hope, she gave me tips, she told me not to give up, she said I could do it if I was determined enough - she said it is never a lost cause - and that is what I guess I needed to hear.
Next morning, A and I packed little N into the car seat and drove to the baby cafe. There, experienced breastfeeding counsellors help struggling new mums get the technique right. And that morning, on the 10th day after his birth, N had his first full meal from the breast. I cried in joy and relief as other young mums cheered us.
Now at the weekly meetings with the health service N and I are extolled as an example of how well a baby fed only on breastmilk does. Our health visitor knows not only our names but also our address. Why she even hugs us! We are no longer just a number in the register.
I wish it didn't have to be like this. Why were we left to fend for ourselves? Why did the health service give up on us when we needed them the most? What if I hadn't called the NCT? How many other new mums just give up in desperation and pain?
And what about those who just cannot breastfeed? Why are we made to feel so horribly wrong if we give formula to our babies? Why does everyone behave as if you are letting your child down in some unspeakable ways if you are unable to breastfeed?
Just another one of the innumerable ways in which women are made to feel smaller, lesser, guiltier. And it is not even accounted for as discrimination.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
One day at a time

Everything and everyone has changed. Husband, parents, brother and friends,`preoccupations, joys and fears - everything about life is now different. Most of the changes are positive, not being able to browse through bookshelves because baby is screaming his lungs out in the buggy is one of the few negatives, easily overlooked.
Another bit of advice that everyone from the ante-natal class organisers to parents to well-wishing friends and acquaintances gave was to take one day at a time. I never quite understood this one. I never really got why one would need or want to do that. Now everyday that is successfully managed without accident or incident is celebrated - with broken sleep, but sleep all the same. It is more precious than gold these days.
So taking one day at a time, I am embarking upon the pursuit of normalcy. The definition of normalcy also has had to be altered. Normal is not how it used to be, normal will now be the best, or even half decent, that it can be now. An afternoon walk by the river, accomplished with little to no crying, is a noteworthy achievement - the day can be labelled a huge success.
To more such days, of sunshine, warmth, cheerful companions, happy babies and pure contentment.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009

I miss my sleep sorely.
Despite great help from A in managing night feeds for N, I crave for the time when sleep was undisturbed and not such a rarity, a luxury that must now be stolen or snatched in tiny bits here and there. What would I now give for those lazy Sunday mornings, drenched in sleepy semi-thoughts, warmed by the gentle sun streaming in through the blinds!
And yet, somehow, it all seems alright. One person in the house is sleeping well and just looking at his contented, peaceful sleep is a surprising reward. Sometimes, exhausted at the end of the day, A and I just sit and look at him sleeping. It is an amazing, humbling feeling. And when he smiles in his sleep, all grudges are forgiven!
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Life part 2 - parenthood

Thursday, 12 February 2009
A nation of readers

Monday, 9 February 2009
Especially for you…

My dear friend settled in the sunny locales of the land down under, this chocolate truffle cake was baked especially for you, to entice you to the dreary, chilly, wet, quintessentially English weather of my country of residence!
As you said, it is rainy and cold outside, but my house is warm and smells of chocolate. And I saw a very interesting documentary this afternoon called Iran and the West while knitting pieces of the blanket. A very satisfying day indeed, I really couldn’t ask for more :-)
Friday, 6 February 2009
What does one do...

Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Snowed in!

A Wednesday
A quick word on the plot. Remarkably well executed, the minor twists and major movements matter-of-factly presented added to the charm. But why the sermon in the end? The only reason it was half acceptable was because Naseer was so good at it, so convincing and real.
Overall, the perfect recipe for a winter evening that you want to spend in the company of a great cast, a gripping plot and a very well made film.
Friday, 23 January 2009
The journey of a stress-buster
So, I thought, we must find a way of dealing with this crisis. And here's how the journey of this stress-buster progressed.

Monday, 19 January 2009
Slumdog Millionaire
Some time back I had expressed extreme annoyance at the depiction of the perceived Indian reality by one western commentator, Paul Merton. Today I am writing about another Englishman's version of India. And I must say, Danny Boyle, along with Loveleen Tandan, has done a marvellous job of telling it as it is, without being judgemental, apologetic or even explanatory.
I absolutely loved Slumdog Millionaire. Because it was more a superbly made Hindi movie than anything else. It is drenched in the stench of poverty yet reeks of hope, it is about violence but speaks of love, it is a crisp English film filled with the right Indian masalas resulting in the elusive perfect curry. I see a blurring of boundaries like never before. And I say, good for all of us.
Apart from the perfect acting, tight screenplay and haunting background score, what is exceptional about this film is the true-to-the-subject direction. Not for a moment do you feel that this is a film directed by an 'outsider' with the eyes of a spectator. The camera is completely dispassionate, truly matter-of-fact, and interested only in great cinema. At every stage, the critic in me was looking for something to pounce on - and found nothing.
Thank God for Dev Patel and Frieda Pinto who appear to believe in acting and not dramatisation, as we see so often in Bollywood. Irfan Khan, Anil Kapoor and Saurab Shukla are brilliant as usual - such under-utilised gems all three.
All in all, it is a very well told story of hope and optimism. I know that the British media is hailing it as the most optimistic movie ever - I do think that is because they aren't quite familiar with Bollywood which thrives on 'it's not the end if everything isn't alright yet'. About time I say! But a telling fact of the popularity of this much-loved film is that for the first time in my few years in Britain, I saw notice boards showing 'house-full' signs for all shows of a movie. And not a single person in the jam-packed hall moved till the last bits of the truly colourful dance number accompanying the credits were over. Smiles everywhere afterwards...
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Winter wonderland

Friday, 9 January 2009

...a wild party animal hosting exciting boozy adventures in it's belly!
No that is definitely not the route we were thinking we might go down when we started preparing the house for the baby... but I tell you, these corners have a way of cornering you into submission...