Tuesday 1 September 2009

Another first

My first birthday as a mum. Hmmmm. The thoughts in my head are as follows:

1. Don't feel very much mum-like
2. Wish I could sleep some more, actually a lot more
3. Can't get over his smile - he is one hell of a charmer
4. The house was cleaned 4 hours ago and it again looks like it was hit by a hurricane
5. How on earth do other parents keep their houses clean?
6. I am hungry
7. There is so much work to do...
8. I think I will sleep
9. Can't sleep, he is up - must entertain him now
10. Come to think of it, I feel very much like a doting, exhausted, trying-to-multi-task-but-failing-miserably mum


Tess said...

Belated happy birthday! Had called yesterday and got the answering machine.

So did you get a bit more sleep?

raindrops said...

Sleep and a lovely hug and semi kiss - both firsts! Heart melted and hasn't solidified since :-)

Walking around as a gooey hearted, silly-smile-pasted-on-lips, sleep-deprived mess of a new mum :-)

Got your message, thunk you bhery much! :-)