Thursday 24 April 2008

The voice in my head...

... is that of Abida's. Many a time I don't understand what she says. But its music which touches a chord, time and again, without fail. The barriers of conventional language no longer exist when you find yourself singing, urging, praying with her. Isn't that the cruz of sufism regardless, to transcend boundaries of social constructs, to find your inner self?
This is what I have been singing silently all this week:
तू जो ऐ जुल्फ परेशान रहा करती है
किसके उजड़े हुए दिल मे है ठिकाना तेरा
ले चला जान मेरी रूठ के जाना तेरा
ऐसे आने से तो बेहतर था न आना तेरा

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