Saturday 19 April 2008

News from the week gone by

It has been a week of unexpected discoveries. On my way back from work Thursday evening, I ran into an animated, giggly crowd. On looking about for a possible source of such excitement, I saw the Armani Exchange showroom display stripped of all the mannequins and instead inhabited by young men in nothing but their briefs. I must admit, I smiled, and walked on. But went back immediately to take these pictures solely for your benefit ;-)

And then there was that eureka moment yesterday when I realised why I like research so much. I love the feeling when amidst darkness, that tiny spark helps you throw light on the area that you are looking to understand. Its that 'Yeah I found what I was looking for!' feeling that makes me go back to work every single day. Its the job of a treasure hunter and I love it.

Plus I went book shopping and helped myself to My name is Red from Pamuk. And discovered fantastic crochet guides on You Tube. Brilliant stuff. Also knit one foot of a pair of booties for a friend's new born baby. The next foot is planned for tomorrow.

As things have shaped up, it is likely that I shall be able to write more frequently than has been the norm lately. Looking forward to some quality time with my computer in the evenings.

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