some thoughts on crocheting, reading, quilting, parenting and living away from home...
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Wives and Daughters
I have quite enjoyed it, but will remember it forever because I so much looked forward to the build up to the end, and then was rudely told that there wasn't one. Elizabeth Gaskell died before she could write the last chapter. I was like :-o Unbelievable! The editors wrote what she had planned with the last chapter, the whole ending spread out like threads, cloth, scissors, needles and the embroidery frame. Its impossible to see the whole picture, the beautiful creation that only she could have designed. Without her hand, the raw material is is just that, life and meaningless.
Now that I have read two of Mrs Gaskell's works (Cranford and Wives and Daughters) I am convinced I will go back and read more.
Monday, 28 April 2008
Look what I found!

Sunday, 27 April 2008
Why am I here?

Thursday, 24 April 2008
The voice in my head...
This is what I have been singing silently all this week:
तू जो ऐ जुल्फ परेशान रहा करती है
किसके उजड़े हुए दिल मे है ठिकाना तेरा
ले चला जान मेरी रूठ के जाना तेरा
ऐसे आने से तो बेहतर था न आना तेरा
Sunday, 20 April 2008
So, what a pleasant coincidence it was when we came across a beautiful couple in the thick of setting up their nest. And we stopped and stared, and watched, and smiled and continued to look and be amazed. It is one of the most wonderful sights ever, the perfect partnership. You had better see for yourself and decide. I dare you not to melt just a little bit, and re-think your priorities.
Saturday, 19 April 2008
News from the week gone by
And then there was that eureka moment yesterday when I realised why I like research so much. I love the feeling when amidst darkness, that tiny spark helps you throw light on the area that you are looking to understand. Its that 'Yeah I found what I was looking for!' feeling that makes me go back to work every single day. Its the job of a treasure hunter and I love it.
Plus I went book shopping and helped myself to My name is Red from Pamuk. And discovered fantastic crochet guides on You Tube. Brilliant stuff. Also knit one foot of a pair of booties for a friend's new born baby. The next foot is planned for tomorrow.
As things have shaped up, it is likely that I shall be able to write more frequently than has been the norm lately. Looking forward to some quality time with my computer in the evenings.
of insignificantly small things that make me smile
Friday evening, a week well spent behind you, the prospect of a good dinner with friends ahead - is there really anything more that one can ask for from life? As I contentedly planned the weekend ahead, the train screeched into Wimbledon. On the platform, there was a young girl sporting blue jeans and a black jacket, not interested in the 7:02 train to Shepperton, buried in the yellow book in her hand with a slight sweet smile on her face. I strained to see what she was reading. She looked so understandingly absorbed in and mesmerised by what she was reading, I wanted to know what it was. I bent forward in an attempt to catch the name, much to the wonder of my fellow travellers. The train's doors closed and I knew I had only seconds if I were to find out... I panicked slightly at the thought of living with the mystery. I had to find out - please God help me just this once and I shall never ask for anything else ever, promise!
The wheels turned slowly and my heart started sinking. It is not to be, I thought, I will just have to go to Waterstones and look at all the yellow books and see which one matches that particular shade of yellow... despair... dismay...please please please... and she lifted the book just that tiny bit to change the page... and I caught the unmistakable words as the chug chug of the wheels picked up speed and she went out of sight - A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini!
I smiled my way back home. Its one of my favorite books, a present from a distant friend, and I have loved every moment spent reading it. Good choice, girl in blue jeans and black jacket!
Saturday, 12 April 2008
squeaky clean
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Diary of a Nobody
Loved every bit of it. Highly recommended for endless train or bus journeys - they are a breeze with this one!