Thursday 21 February 2008

to and fro...

...from home to work, and back. Initially I was shocked by the sheer noise, the speed and the mad rush. It hits you despite your preparations to face it. Its a raw powerful jolt. Like someone's turned your brain inside out. Continuous, unending rattle.

However, this time I have survived in record time. There is a way of blocking the noise, its not easy but you have to know how to do it. Ever wondered why nobody in the underground looks at anybody? Its because mentally, in a safely guarded sub set of your network of thought, you pretend that there is nobody around but you. You pretend almost as if you are in a virtual reality game and everyone else is un-live, only there for you to dodge skillfully while you strive to reach your goal. It actually works, this robotic to and fro.

What helps a great deal the moment you can block the world out is that you can focus on what you like. I am reading Snow by Orhan Pamuk on the commute and have trouble deciding whether I am really in London or in Kars... I just love Orhan's ability to do that, make you feel like you are in Turkey while you struggle with the crowd at Waterloo.

hmmm... what would I give to be snowed in at this moment!

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