1. Lots and lots of knitting! This one has provided so much solace and comfort I can't even begin to describe it! I am back to making 15cm squares for the shaker throw from the Art of Knitting magazine. In the process, I am learning new patterns and honing my slowly growing knitting skills! Its been an absolute blessing for the cold, foggy wintery mornings!

3. Shopping for a baby girl! Oh this one has been such a delight! This evening is a friend's baby shower. And since we know its a baby girl, its been so much fun shopping for small clothes and booties! Just skimming through all those cute things in the shops is like entering a different softer, slower, warmer world!
4. Getting the much awaited red kettle! Isn't it absolutely divine?! I am a bit crazy about kettles, I love the traditional round ones - the rounder the better!

5. Planning an even more packed weekend! Its not been easy but we have done it! We have made the weekend commencing tomorrow morning our busiest ever! Visiting and entertaining, there's going to be no time to think about Monday morning and thats the way it should be I say!
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