Saturday 23 February 2008

blue and green

After what seems like forever, I am in bed without a care! Its saturday morning and the whole weekend expands before me like a vast beach. I can play in the water or walk on the sand or collect pebbles and shells or read by the sea or make a sand castle or sit and enjoy the sea breeze or chat with friends... the options are endless. The best part about weekends is not just that they are there for us to savour but also the millions things we could do with them if we fancied. I like to think that its all about the possibilities and our abilities to pick and choose.
I have a new plant on my desk, by my window, at work. Have I mentioned I absolutely adore my window? Not everyone in my office has a desk by the window and I consider myself lucky. I may not do it at all but I like the fact that its possible for me to look out and see everyday life. The small stretch of blue sky is like a window to the mind and at times when things are going all wrong, the stretch of blue is like a magic potion helping you put things is perspective. There is life out there, there are endless possibilities and I am able to pick and choose.
Now that I have a new plant by the window, it feels like I have two friends by my side. Its amazing what a little bit of green can do to liven up your life. Why didn't a think of it before?

1 comment:

Tess said...

Lucky you, a window! What wouldn't I give for that. All I get is a view of the cubicles extending into infinity ;)

We all got a plant, but mine died of malnourishment, while i was out on vacation , maybe i should get a cactus !