Monday 18 February 2008

Day one... phew!

Day one back to work is finally over. exxxhhhaaaaaaale. The work day was good but my head feels like its been hit by a truck, arms are achy and the bed seems unusually attractive. Why is the first week back to work so miserable? I have never loved the thought of getting back home better.

Public transport in London is a big joke and the recent increase in fares for the underground and the overground transport network is not justified by any stretch of imagination. Looks to me like its getting worse by the day, the system is clearly unable to cope with the growing number of commuters. Peak hours are absolute nightmares. When an unknown woman is pressed against you, chest to chest, chin to chin, more intimately that you see yourself leaning against your husband in public, its all you can do keep yourself from asking 'what the hell am I doing here?'

The bed beckons...

1 comment:

Arun Raman said...

Its always a pleasure to have you leaning a little more on the husband in such situations - I am sure the husband doesnt mind it at all...hihihihi...