Saturday 3 January 2015

The little things

We did something entirely wonderful yesterday. A speedy car journey away lies a magical old house built a long time ago to entertain the children of a wealthy family. The house has extensive, versatile gardens and you never know what you will discover around the next bend. The house, and it's lands, are now in the trusty hands of the National Trust. And that allows common people like us to 'make it our own', if you like.

If only it wasn't so cold. Our feet were icy, despite warm footwear, and fingers felt numb and frozen. But there is something to be said for having fun outdoors in the face of adverse weather. I know it takes supreme effort to get out of one's warm home, put on layer upon layer of clothing, and brave the reluctance of stubborn children who would much rather spend the day playing odd games on the iPad. More often than not, though, it is worth it in the end. It definitely was this time.

The children played and got completely involved in the activity trail. The views were stunning, the air fresh, crisp. Healthy, wholesome entertainment for the full family. To add to it all, we had the company of good friends. And cake to end the day. There was a grumpy saleswoman at the cafe but probably best to remove that little bit of an irritant from memory as swiftly as possible. All in all, a top day.

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