Monday 19 January 2015

Just keep swimming

After a most frustrating week which revealed personal and professional limitations without any softening of blows, two things have helped restore the balance somewhat:
1. Good friends
2. Good wine
I have nearly made peace with the fact that things don't always end up the way one hoped/planned. And I have grudgingly accepted the reality that's staring me in the face - that I must embark upon the unknown once more. It is tough, no doubt. Counting on friends and wine to come through repeatedly! 
Then again, alongside the despair and gloom, I can't help but remember Albert Camus and the "invincible summer" he refers to so eloquently. Perhaps, there is hope yet, just maybe I still have the will to fight. In the words of the great Dorrie from Finding Nemo, I must, "just keep swimming".

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