Thursday 9 October 2008

Joyful flutters

The economy is in shambles, there is fear on the escalators and an eerie silence on the City roads. I am, however, conspicuous by the big smile on my face and the song on my lips.

You see, apart from the twinges of sorrow that I feel for the global financial system and its resultant crisis, and the dent that it has made in everyone's finances, including mine, I really couldn't care much for it right now. I know, I know, how politically incorrect of me, but please allow me to explain. My life has been taken over by some very exciting flutters! I can feel the baby move!

I sat through a conference yesterday, wondering what on earth was the point of seven different speakers all extolling the virtues of handheld learning - oh get on with it, we know it's great, tell us who's gonna fund the damn thing. As one of the speakers ended her rather unending session, soft music filled the room and it was interesting how silent everything was, except for the gentle music (I firmly stand by my belief that the audience had gone to sleep though my colleague thinks they were deep in personal reverie - what's the difference?) Anyways, just then, something like a big butterfly decided to move about in my growing belly! It was like someone nudging from inside, saying hello (I'd like to think!) and perhaps even dancing to the music! What a fantastic experience!

The rest of the conference, as you might guess, was a blur. Amongst the many videos and presentations, all I could think of was - the baby is moving! I would only like to be able to share it with A, I wish he could feel what I can, but for the moment, this delightful experience is only for me to savour! :-)

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