Friday 26 September 2008

Anything goes

Why do people think that they can say the first thing that comes to their mind when they see a pregnant woman? I know that lots of pregnant women are flooded with happy hormones and they take all that is said in the spirit of the miracle of nature, but really, is it absolutely essential to forget all one's manners in the face of a bump?

My hairdresser seems to think anything goes. And may I reiterate that I share a purely prefessional relationship with her and so I disagree. There is no reason why I should not have given her the look (and more if I weren't so damned shocked by her lack of discretion) when she claimed my bump is a little too big for my stage of pregnancy. No, I am afraid, you absolutely cannot say something like that. Or any of the following:

1. Is your skin oily because of the pregnancy?
2. Wow you really are visiting the loo quite often aren't you!
3. I do feel sorry for you, there is such limited variety of maternity clothing out there!
4. Your life is coming to an end, better pack in as much as you can in these 5/4/3 months.
5. Do you think you will ever get back to work?
And the clincher - anything but this:
6. Are you sure you are not carrying twins???

1 comment:

Tess said...

sigh, yes pregnancy , like kids and dogs seem to become public property, for reasons I've never quite understood. ( I can't claim to be absolved of all culpability, I think I once behaved pretty much as described, it took a while to see there was something inherently wrong in that behavior, and just that fact that everyone did it, didn't make it right)

There are things that are private, and yes pregnancy IS one of them. You don't tell a unusually big footed person, I feel sorry for you, must be tough finding shoes your size. Guess the same doesn't apply to maternity clothing.

Hopefully we'll change!