Thursday 15 May 2008

Thought for the day

Two thoughts really, unrelated but for their home - my cluttered mind. Have you ever looked at a word, any word, long and hard? Do you feel that after about 15-30 seconds of unashamed staring, the word stops being a word, it becomes a thing, with shapes and forms, almost like a drawing or a pattern. Lets do it together. Lets stare down
Do you see patterns in 'word'? Does it become an object unknown, a new 'thing' with a shape, form and existence separate from that of the 'meaning' that it generates in us when we read it, without really 'looking' at it. Do you see a curtailed sword, a 'w or d', a distorted worm, an inverted drow, an upside down prom, with connotations of all these and something more.

Next time you are reading a book, if you are a bit dotty like me, do try it. Its an amazingly disarming, humbling tool. You realise there is so much more to the obvious, layers and layers of interpretations, understandings and perspectives. Its just about holding still, and observing, for a little while.

My other thought is that I have been too selfish lately, feasting on the beautifully insightful writings of so many of my favorite bloggers without making any of my less than average contribution to the pool. Time to rectify the situation.

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