Wednesday 2 January 2013

Then and now

I have just spent the last two hours trying to put Babi to sleep. It's interesting how we get used to anything and everything if done/experienced consistently for some time. I remember cribbing and complaining endlessly when the same happened with Simba, when he refused to sleep and I felt trapped. Babi is, in some ways, as bad a sleeper as Simba was, but somehow, it doesn't bother me that much now.

I'm also seeing that sleep eventually wins in this battle of excitement versus tired slumber. I see Simba calmly dosing off quite as a matter of norm. So I know (hope based on probability calculations) that soon enough Babi will succumb to the lure of the land of zzzzzzz happily and of her own accord.

Plus, like Arun and I were discussing this morning, we find that as we are ageing, we are more accepting and forgiving of minor irritants in life, but more willing to take a stand against things that are just unacceptable. Interesting discoveries about oneself.

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