Tuesday 17 March 2009

Life part 2 - parenthood

He is finally here - and our lives have changed forever. Just before midnight on the 23rd of February, A and I left the hospital with the precious cargo - our little one then just over 24 hours old. We were very silent as we walked to the car park - this couldn't possibly be happening to us - it was the lull before the storm that a newborn brings into one's life. And no books or parenting classes on earth can prepare you for what comes next.

I don't have the benefit of hindsight at the moment. Being very much in the thick of things still, I am continuously battling the mischivious hormones, laughing and crying without warning. I am still too close to the events to think straight about labour, breastfeeding, nappy changes and sleepless nights. For the moment, life is an unending saga of the feeding-burping-nappy changing-feeding circle. I am told it gets better and I am patiently waiting.
To be honest, this wait isn't bad at all. I have a little companion, a son, to make some sweet and sour memories with. If the last three weeks are anything to go by, we're not going to have a dull moment! Little N and I are in the process of learning to understand each other - and while we don't always get it right, we still love the journey!

1 comment:

Arun Raman said...

Its a bit of a yo-yo at the moment. Some nights are great (like the last one) and some not so good...guess this is the time for him to grow and for us to see him grow...