Thursday 18 December 2008

Favorite things

The year is tip-toeing to an end. I cannot believe with what incredible speed 2008 appears to be flying past. It's been a great year in so many ways, and a disappointing one in so many others. Perhaps no year can be truly great for everything - no that would be too much to ask for.
As we grind to a halt for the holidays, and wish each other season's greetings, I am delighted to share with you the little bundles of deliciousness that make my days happy and contented!


Arun Raman said...

What a year indeed!Seen some good times and seen some really rubbish ones as well - but on balance it has been a good year again. And its especially nice to end the year on a high!

raindrops said...

Yes, it is such a lovely feeling to look forward to the new year with much hope and smiles! :-)