Saturday 1 November 2008

A day of surprises!

The shrill sound of the phone. Darkness. Warm, soft quilt. That phone again. As A jumped up to grab the receiver, (we are always nervous about early morning calls, as I am sure everyone else is) mother dear blurted out a whole list of questions and instructions on the other end. Nothing surprising there. Oh sod it, I went back to sleep without even bothering to ask what the fuss was about.

Thirty minutes later, (or was it over two hours?) my mobile rang. Private number calling. I toyed with the idea of cutting the sound and resuming the sleep. Something made me answer it. And I am so glad I did. That call brought the wonderful news of my friend's wedding. Perfect beginning to a long-awaited day. The most delightful surprise I could have expected on the phone I'd say!

A said that 31st October 2008 has come by pretty quickly. I disagree. I have waited for this day every single minute of the last two months. To see the baby again. I have imagined this day and pictured it several times in all kinds of different ways. I am prepared for everything that I see on the screen.

Am I? Was I? Were we prepared for what we saw? The baby is well, kicking about and playing. We were the shocked parents-to-be. This thing is for real. For REAL. This baby is coming sometime soon to live with us, mould us, challenge us and get moulded in return. Nothing of the kind that happens in movies happened with us. We neither held hands not looked lovingly at each other. We left the hospital in silence and headed straight to the coffee shop. There we sat, very excited, very nervous, very very surprised. And very very happy. And by the time the coffee disappeared, we were smiling uncontrollably!

There is something about weddings and births that touches something inside of you. I think it is the fact that they are both, in their own ways, affirmations of life, and of love. 31st October 2008 will always then be the most surprising day, lovingly experienced.

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