Saturday 28 February 2015

Cakes and cuddles

We've had birthday parties, tears, days out and obscenely lazy days at home. Lots of reading, some knitting, starting work and feeling a bit lost, meeting with friends, and loads of drinking. 

It's been so full on I can absolutely completely not believe that we are only one week into the beginning of the send half of this school term. Once again, I really must enquire, where on earth is the time going? 

Tuesday 17 February 2015

A glorious day

We are in the midst of the winter half term here. Which means that mommy and daddy are on full time duty - to entertain and amuse the kids. It's not really like that, but it feels like that sometimes. Like the day just won't end. Like if I heard one more word of whining or bickering I couldn't take it anymore. Like if I get one more "Eeeuw! this is yucky!" or "I am so bored!" or "Mamma! hold me!" for the millionth time, I would run away.

Sigh. Deep breathing. More deep breathing.

Today we were determined not to go down this well-trodden path. We went to another National Trust garden, and it was totally worth the effort. What a glorious day we had! The sun shone bright and warm. The sky was clear blue. The trees majestic in their bare nakedness. The landscape truly heartening, life affirming. I really needed this - being out in nature. It calms me like nothing else.

We've been to these gardens before but only done the bits that the kids wanted. Today we went for a proper walk. It was a lovely trek. Not too strenuous, but enough to work up a gentle rhythm, at a good pace. Simba is remarkably good at this kind of thing. Babi was on her daddy's shoulders a fair bit, but he wasn't complaining.

It was cold, but the sun seemed to make it all ok. It was the perfect day out. Please today, do come back again, soon!

Saturday 7 February 2015

Snow, and some

And just like that, it's February. Where is time flying to with such speed? 

We had some snow. Lots of it actually, and then, just like that, it was gone. But while it lasted, there was fun to be had. 

Monday 2 February 2015

Cracking it big time!

Is this for real?? It does look like it is! Really REALLY real! Yes, that's me finally figuring out knitting in the round on double pointed needles. How cool is that!  I am on a serious high 😀

A perspective or two

I've been so awfully unwell this past week I doubt I've felt this bad an awful lot before. Terrible flu, GP refusing to give antibiotics, kids refusing to get off me, all in all it felt very much as if the universe was conspiring against me. I was soon proved wrong though. Everyone around me, husband, friends, everyone seems to be afflicted by these bugs and nasties doing the rounds. All kids are being adorable and painful simultaneously, and everyone has had tough decisions to make.
A sedative induced sleep has its benefits though. It leaves you in a blur, giving a unique perspective on things. It equalises things rather beautifully - nothing is too good, everything is equally bad? It was in that blurry state when I was fighting to close eyes and Babi was forcing them open that I realised that options are more often than not illusions that we entertain ourselves with. Like the concept of multiple universes, different options exist only in the realm of hypothesis. Reality is one. Tangible. True. Testable. 
And it was this realisation that gave me the strength to say no today. To an offer that was just short of derisory. It burst my bubble of "options". I choose to live in the world of reality of my own making, thank you very much. It has no frills attached, and is frankly quite barebone, but I think that has something to do with its honesty. It has taken me all this while and truckloads of strength to get here. Not minded to give it all up so easily. 
Babi made me this get well soon card. With lots of flowers in her favourite colours. Love love love!