Saturday, 20 April 2013

Obsessive making

For some inexplicable reason, round crochet goodies just had to be made, like at 1:23 in the morning/bang smack middle of night. I finished making them and then just had to post them. However, the moment I started writing, Simba yelled from the bedroom "Mamma! Mamma!" and all personal ambitions had to be shelved for the day/ night.

So here they are, first this this morning. Don't they look cute? My first attempt at round crochet. Took some getting my head around but not too bad.

PS: I think we'll use them as coasters.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


It's nearly here. It's taking it's time. But the signs are everywhere.

Can't wait.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Time is very much in flight mode it seems. Easter has come and gone. Simba and I did some crafting, we stayed indoors thanks to the miserable weather we've been having, and it definitely doesn't feel anywhere close to Spring. Yet, time is speeding past. Babi has started talking, Simba has started talking like a grown up, and I find myself not wanting to talk much. Is this normal? I'm tired of hearing my own voice, and genuinely wish I didn't have to hear it so much.

Having said that, it's not something that is likely to happen anytime soon. So I plod along.

We're in the midst of planning for a holiday. A week in Provence in the first week of May. All that remains to be done is the sorting out of the itinerary. As with my deep desire for silence, I'm tempted to keep it simple, not pack it with sightseeing and other things to do. Lets are how that comes along.