Thursday 28 February 2013

I'm loving it!

This is my new wall plaque. I found it one evening while spending some time aimlessly on eBay. I am totally loving it! Loving the shabby chic distressed look. Loving the bold, black writing. Loving the unashamed emphasis on food and happiness. It's full-blown love I'm afraid. And there's no turning back!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Planning a party

The birthday is over, the party, not yet. Simba is having his birthday bash this Sunday at one of his favourite soft play areas. This means, lots and lots of planning and preparations for me.

I'm on the job.

My beautiful daffodils and tulips are keeping me good company as I find myself surrounded by pre-historic reptiles.

It is a dinosaur party. Will keep you posted.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Happy birthday Simba!

Simba turned four yesterday. How did that happen? I am clueless. It actually feels like it was a few weeks back that we were in the hospital, holding him for the first time, feeling like the luckiest people in the world to have him in our lives. That total joy has only grown. He's sitting on my lap telling me that my tummy is rumbling! Oops!

Last week when I mentioned to him that he should be eating more than he was at that time, he said, "Mamma, that's your idea. That is not what I think."

He's also made a song for me. Where he offers to me two things, one that he loves (chicken wings) and one that's my favourite (perfumes).

My beautiful baby is 4. We celebrated with bunting and home-made old-fashioned birthday cake. Happy birthday sweetheart!

Saturday 16 February 2013


It is said that it takes two weeks to set anything into a pattern, a habit. So anything that you want to do, or change, if practised regularly for two full weeks, then it has a chance to become a habit.

I practised single parenting for two weeks and two days. It was tough, but we survived. Actually, we did better than survive, we set up routines. And we formed habits. When there is no option of help around, it is impressive how one is able to rise to the occasion and, essentially, just get things done. And you lose a lot of clutter - not just physical, but relationships that are no longer working, and practises that tend to contribute little to the larger goal of getting-things-done. You trim down to the basics, focus on no-nonsense, streamlined life-keeping, and voila, everything becomes manageable. Tough, but manageable.

I am happy we did it. Staying alone with the kids to look after on my own is no longer such a petrifying thought. Dare I say, we had some fun together :-)

Friday 1 February 2013

The joys of single parenting

I'm home with the kids and hubby dear is away. I've had to come up with new ways of keeping the kids busy and entertained. We had friends over yesterday who came for lunch which spilled over into dinner. So good, because the kids slept like a dream after a whole day of jumping around like monkeys. I was thus able to have a nice evening with a girl friend. So much fun!