Wednesday 26 December 2012

We've taken the plunge

We have been a zero screen home for the last 3 days. And it hasn't been anywhere nearly as bad as I feared it would be. So it is zero screen for the kids, and we are allowed some tv/DVD viewing when the kids are asleep. And so far it has been very good. Mind you, there was Christmas in the middle, so presents and games helped. But even before Christmas, Simba was very willing to listen, to accept the new rules. He did ask for it a couple of times through the first day, but was easily dissuaded. I am very pleasantly surprised.

It all started with a small conversation with Sr. About boundaries for children. And I remember saying to her that sometimes you just need that little reminder, that gentle nudge, pushing you on. At least that is what happened in this case. Luckily, Ar was at home and we both agreed. And decided to do it. So good to have your partner on board where these tricky decisions are concerned.

I think Simba saw that we meant business. He knew that we were not going to back down. He didn't even fight like he normally does. It was a peaceful coup.

Lots more playing, chatting, cuddling, reading, making, drawing is happening. Even Ar decided to draw. And we laughed. His drawings, as you can see, are seriously funny.

1 comment:

Tess said...

wow, I do hope you can keep it up! I do think kids lose out on so much thanks to the endless screens..

Add some hugs to them from me !