Tuesday 5 May 2009

Views and opinions

We are wasting a lot of our precious time these days. We are following the debates/discussions/tamasha baazi surrounding the Indian elections on television. After watching politicians skirt around issues for the nth time, and listening to analysts churn out the same old over-used and redundant arguments, I started wondering, how much do opinions and views really matter?

Having gone through a significant change in life recently, I am of the opinion that views correspond to one's particular station in life - you cannot appreciate the green-ness (or lack of it) of the grass till you really get to the other side. Therefore, one is entitled, as life progresses and newer experiences are encountered, to revise opinions, change views, and generally become more tolerant of both white and black. There is always something very strong going for grey.

In keeping with this particular line of thought, may I announce that I now truly sympathise with/understand the following:
  1. New parents struggling to cope with babies, who incidentally are much more demanding of one's time and attention than I ever previously appreciated
  2. New parents who appear completely absorbed in their own worlds and have no time for anything other than feeding/nappy changing/checking out the colour, consistency of baby's poo, etc - I now realise that there is no time for anything else
  3. Women who are torn between family and career - it's one hell of a dilemma
  4. Women who realise that there is no right or wrong choice for number 3
  5. That you can be a feminist and like knitting and/or baking, crocheting, sewing and other crafts
  6. That marriage does not necessarily have to end in a power struggle
  7. That loving someone is not equal to losing the battle of the sexes
  8. That it is ok to be in doubt, and not necessarily have an opinion on everything
  9. That as long as your actions don't hurt anyone, it is ok to pursue whatever it is that makes you happy
  10. That it is ok to feel like you might just die of happiness when your little one smiles at you

It seems like a long eye-opening journey. This bank holiday weekend, with it's unexpected, unplanned happenings, has ultimately been a very kind one. I can't say I've sorted it all out in my head, but it is definitely a start.


Arun Raman said...

Yes indeed!

Parenting is arguably the toughest test of my life. Nothing comes close to the effort and work that goes into this venture. Everything else that I have done has a start and finish date but not parenting.

It has been a very steep learning curve but thoroughly enjoyable. I guess what has made this special is that I have my best friend, my life partner and the love of my life to share this with.

Only she can understand all the silly things that bring joy to the heart..like Gorilla!!!!

Tess said...

Views and opinions matter, but like you've said, they can't be cast in stone.

I've had the same feeling, having changed my views on many things, specially over the last couple of years. Maybe in another 30 years, they might even come a full circle!