Tuesday 21 April 2009

My cup runneth over

There is only one feeling in this world which makes you dissolve in delight. And that is when your baby opens his eyes in the morning, looks at you, recognises you, and smiles his biggest smile for you. What happens to you when you are hit by the impact of that smile is indescribable. All I can say is I am the happiest I have ever been in my life. It is now two months since N was born. The sun is out, trees have new leaves and pretty new flowers. And my eyes are looking at the most beautiful little baby. My life is full of kisses and cuddles and cooing and shy giggles and excited hand and leg movements and squeals of delight! Wouldn't trade it for the world! :-)


You mean you don't know?!! said...

Such a gorgeous baby. x

raindrops said...

Thank you very much! :-)

Arun Raman said...

Yes it is a beautiful feeling - and its so throughly energizing. They say that having a sense of humour and seeing the brighter side of life makes one a healthier person and makes one feel younger and fresher. But little N's smile is a combination of opium with morphine - opium to give you that nice warm feel and morphine to take away the pain of a long night!

raindrops said...

Opium and morphine indeed! That's an interesting new combination for describing life with a newborn! :-)