Sunday 26 April 2009


This is our new favorite word. It has to be said with the right amount of enthusiasm, with lots of spit bubbles and rolling in the back of the throat. You can get it almost bang on if you also throw in some super excited arm and leg shaking. Almost I say, because try as you may, you cannot say it the way its creator N does.

Agghoo is our new discovery. We are saying Agghoo for everything nice - the orange flowers on the pillows, the bookshelves with their zillion colours, the bed post, the changing mat, the TV and the black and white drawings on the sofa. And sometimes when we are immensely happy, we even say it, with a shy smile, to mum and dad.

And that's when the fun starts, when mum and dad go Agghoo Agghoo throughout the weekend!


Alka said...
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Arun Raman said...

how about GORILLA these days...and we thought it would be either ma or da...parenhood is dead...long live the animal kingdom!!