Wednesday 25 April 2012

I made this

Somewhere in the middle of my first pregnancy, I was hit by the creative bug. It surfaced time and again with varying intensity for the next two and a half years.

But the second pregnancy was a completely different matter. I walked around like a woman possessed, itching to make something beautiful from chocolate wrappers, stray ribbons, torn pieces of gift wrapping.

I'd been putting off quilting for a few years but the second pregnancy was having none of it. I had to (you see I didn't have an option) get myself a sewing machine, the rotary cutter and mat, the entire kit caboodle.

And quilt after quilt materialised out of the semi-formed ideas in my head. I shall hopefully get round to showing you pictures of these soon. The trouble is, sitting down at the computer is more and more difficult. I'm writing this post on my mobile.

So quilts, crochet blankets, swaddle blankets and stuffed toys all done. I got up one morning in March and just had to make pajamas for the kids. It just had to be done. You do realise that I have no control over these urges.

This is what I made.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Making sense of chaos

I struggle with change. I know that very well. But this time around the struggle is camouflaged by daily chores, the work that comes with takin care of two children, and the relentlessness of it all.

It's not helping that we have embarked on the life changing mission of potty training for N. He thinks it's a bloody waste of time, and will do anything to frustrate my attempts to civilise him just a little bit. Sigh.

I'm trying to remind myself that I love him. He's not in the slightest mood to make it easy. I have finally accepted that this one is going to be a long drawn battle.

A vase full of beautiful spring time roses ad a cup of tea are so what I need right now.

And in the backdrop looms that big ominous decision yet to be made/announced. Whether I'm going back to work or not. I'm do not good with this indecision phase. I so need to know what I will finally decide to do. Big sigh.