Thursday, 18 February 2010

Of surprises, good and bad

  • A valentine's gift when we had clearly agreed there weren't going to be any. And to top it, it was the one that I have been wanting forever, just never getting it, because I would never get it for myself. When I asked A why he did it, his reply was, 'because.' This husband of mine never ceases to surprise me.
  • A nasty throat infection that took me by serious surprise. And then started getting complicated so I am on a surprisingly old antibiotic because of other issues. How bizarre.
  • Is it a surprise that A has finished his course of antibiotics (yes we are a bit ill as a family) but is still as unwell as he was when he started out?
  • N had his 12th month vaccination today and surprised us all by not uttering even the tiniest of squeals when the needle went in. Instead he looked surprisingly at the nurse, she too surprised for words at the boy who didn't cry when poked. A and I were beyond surprise - we had mentally prepared ourselves for a non-stop howling session. What a pleasant surprise!

Monday, 15 February 2010

Back to the grind

As a certain fast food company would say, 'I'm loving it'! Being back at work that is. So far, the balance suits be just fine - three days of getting dressed for work, the train, the underground, the commuters rushing about, the buzz of the city, the research, the policy debates, the happy colleagues, the cheerful office banter, the leaving on the dot to get to the nursery in time, the smile from the little fella as he rushes into my arms, the brisk walk back home and the big cuddles. All very nice indeed.

And then, four days of jeans and sneakers and t-shirts stained with baby food, the rushing to the library to be in time for Rhyme Time, the singing as we play, the peekaboos and the clap,clap,claps, the super fast crawling, the wanting to grab everything that attract's his growing fancy, the new tricks every day, the attempts at yoga that end up in giggly laughter, the cup cakes and the teas, the waiting for daddy to get back home so we can pounce on him. So much fun.

So a bit of a pause in this happy balance, caused by an irritable upper respiratory tract infection, is seriously bringing me down. Can't wait to be back to the routine again.