Thursday 8 October 2009

Is it October already?

For a good part of the year, I have told myself that I can procrastinate, that is till October. I can avoid making decisions till October. I can live in blissful denial till October. I can turn my back to everything that needs taking care of - till October.

October 2009, for the bulk of 2009, was the time to wake up and take charge.

I cannot believe it is October already.

It seems like it was just last week that I was worried I might miss the due date and have to have labour induced. Was it not just yesterday that we brought N back home from the hospital, so relieved to be out of there, so scared that now we had to look after this tiny being without help?

I wish there were a freeze button to life. This autumn is the most beautiful I have ever had, playing, swimming, singing, laughing, crying with N. This October brings the end to one magical chapter in life, and opens another where I prepare to fulfill responsibilities long neglected in the warmth of new motherhood. I will miss these last 7-8 months - they have been the most trying, most learning-packed and most magical of my life.

I shall always remember you ever so fondly, February-October 2009.


Deep breath.

Right. Lets bring it on.